Dutch landscape with poultry that get optimal feeds.

Dufa-Mint Plus Liquid

Dufa-Mint Plus liquid: the new product of Dutch Farm International!

Dufa-Mint Plus liquid is a complementary feed for poultry, swine, calves and lambs. It supports the respiration of the animal and relieves breathing which alleviates respiratory problems. It can also help alleviate extreme post vaccination reactions and has a cooling effect when heat stress occurs. The main components of Dufa-Mint Plus liquid are Eucalyptus and Menthol.

Eucalyptus oil has a relaxing effect on the muscles of the respiratory system. It will irritate the nasal mucous membranes facilitating the removal of discharge together with harmful dusts, thus restoring patency of the respiratory tract and at the same time facilitating breathing and ventilation of an organism. A proper cross section and patency of the respiratory system provide a guarantee of appropriate ventilation of the air sacs. 

Menthol act as an expectorant when it is in contact with mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. It will facilitating purification of the respiratory tract from small dusty pollutants. Menthol has also a relaxing, antibacterial and cooling effect. In periods of high temperature an addition of an agent with a cooling effect on an organism is a very beneficial solution.

Dufa-Mint Plus Liquid is available in 500 ml and 1 ltr bottles.

Interested? Contact us by e-mail: sales@dutchfarmint.com

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