DutchFarm distributors centre.

DutchFarm Penicillin Injectables

Under the DutchFarm brand name, Dutch Farm International produces a wide range of premium quality veterinary pharmaceuticals for poultry and livestock.

Part of the parenteral products include a group of penicillin-based items. Penicillins are a class of agents with bactericidal action against many Gram-positive and Gram-negative microorganisms. They can be used successfully for control of various bacterial infections in cattle, goats, horses, sheep and swine.

Penicillins kill bacteria through binding of the beta-lactam ring to DD-transpeptidase. They may also inhibit the cross-linking activity and thus preventing a new cell wall formation. The bacterial cell will die because of the acquired osmotically vulnerability (intercellular water and pressure).

The available DutchFarm penicillin based injectable products are:

– Dufamox 15% LA inj: amoxycillin, broad spectrum semi-synthetic penicillin
– Dufamox-G 150/40 inj: synergistic combination of amoxycillin and gentamicin
– Pen/strep 20/20 inj: synergistically active combination of penicillin and streptomycin
– Pen/strep 400 LA inj: triple combination of penicillins and streptomycin to ensure a prolonged action

If you need more information about these products or if you would like to become our distributor in one of the countries we’re not represented (take a look at our worldmap https://www.dutchfarmint.com/world-map/ ); please contact sales@dutchfarmint.com

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